Emotional Wellness
Relationship Harmony

Break Free from Emotional Suffering

Most people struggle to manage their thoughts and emotions effectively.
We help people master their thoughts and emotions so they can have fulfilling relationships and live life with clarity and ease.

Our Services

CPCS is a compassionate, nonjudgmental, empowering, and collaborative space. We are passionate about using effective, evidence-based treatments to help people create lasting changes, enhance relationships and build the life they want.

*Currently providing virtual psychotherapy and counselling in Ontario and British Columbia, Canada.*

Individual Psychotherapy

Master your emotions and thoughts and tap into your inner wisdom so you can be empowered and have the necessary skills to build the life you want.

Couples Counselling

Develop skills and capacity to overcome challenges with your partner so your relationship can be authentic, intimate, and harmonious.

Group Therapy

Increase your skillfulness and mastery in a supportive environment so you can stay motivated while working towards your goals and expedite your growth.

Individual Psychotherapy

Meaningful change can be really hard. It is even harder when you are doing it on your own.
Let us support you in building the life you love.

When it comes to thoughts and emotions, most people are struggling alone. We provide an empathic, collaborative space to help you develop the capability to overcome emotional difficulties and help you make the changes you want, move towards a life you find fulfilling.Your individual psychotherapy sessions will be a sacred space focused on helping you break through barriers and navigate challenges that hold you back from creating the lasting change you want.We will create a personalized treatment plan using evidence-based interventions to help you cultivate awareness, master emotions, shape thinking, improve relationships, and develop new behaviors.

We Might be a Good Fit If You Struggles with:

  • High Emotional Sensitivity

  • Not Knowing How or What You Feel

  • Self-Judgement, Self-Criticism

  • People Pleasing Behaviors

  • Overcontrol, Rigid Thinking

  • Difficulties with Change

  • Addictive Behaviors

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulties Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries

  • Emotional Difficulties

  • Overwhelming and Intense Emotions

  • Depression and Low Mood

  • Work Stress

  • Lack of Purpose

  • Interpersonal Challenges

  • Family Issues

  • Childhood Traumas

  • Grief and Bereavement

Standard Individual Psychotherapy Rate:

$170/50-minute Session

Couples Counselling

Deep, fulfilling relationships require us to let go of ineffective behaviors and develop new skills so we can open ourselves up to new ways of relating to the people we love.

Relationships can be difficult, and most couples do not have the skills that are needed to cultivate a deep, close relationship. We offer personalized, evidence-based counselling to help you and your partner have a successful relationship.In a compassionate and safe space, your couples therapist will work with you to explore your experiences, resolve conflicts, improving communication, and provide you the skills necessary to build a relationship that is authentic, intimate, and fulfilling.

We Might be a Good Fit If You and Your Partner Struggles with:

  • Emotional Disconnection

  • Communication Difficulties

  • Relationship Traumas/Ruptures

  • High-Conflict Relationships

  • Judgements and Criticisms

  • Chronic Unmet Needs

  • Intense Emotions

  • Insecurity and Anxiety

  • Conflicting Views

  • Sexual Difficulties

  • Lack of Understanding

  • Parenting Issues

Standard Couples Psychotherapy Rate:

$225/60-minute Session

Group Therapy

Increase your growth in a supportive environment that focuses on providing you with the skills and mastery needed in enhancing your mental and emotional wellness.

The idea of group therapy can seem scary to many people so we offer structured, skills-focused group therapy to help people maintain personal boundaries while strengthening behaviors that will move them towards their goals.Group therapy is a safe, supportive, and empowering environment that promotes growth and allows participants to learn from licensed professionals and one another. All groups are based on effective, evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT), and Mindfulness-Based Interventions.The objective of each group therapy session is to learn skills and new behaviors that help you build a life you love. Participants will be sharing homework and practice from the week, but group therapy is do not involve extensive processing or sharing of personal experiences.

Topics Covered in Our Groups:

  • Mindfulness

  • Increase Pleasant Emotions

  • Decrease UnPleasant Emotions

  • Distress, Crisis, and Intense Emotion Tolerance

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

  • Openness & Flexibility

  • Cognitive Reappraisal and

  • Grief & Loss

  • Self-Compassion

  • Couples and Relationship Closeness

Standard Group Therapy Rate:

$150/90-minute Session

$200/120-minute Session

Get to Know Us

Kevin Chiao, MEd

Registered Psychotherapist & Registered Clinical Counsellor

Kevin completed his graduate training at the University of Toronto, where he obtained a degree in Counselling Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy field. Kevin has had extensive training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Relational Psychodynamics, and Mindfulness-Based Interventions.Kevin is passionate about helping people learn to harness the power of their emotions and build the life and relationships they want. Kevin works to help clients see the wisdom of their personal experience and cultivate new behaviors that would lead to lasting change. Kevin is committed to nurture a nonjudgmental, genuine, and collaborative therapeutic relationship with his clients from an trauma-informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive stance.

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are fundamental values at CPCS. We are committed to embody and promote anti-racist, anti-oppressive, identity-affirming, and culturally-responsive practices. As a team, we value continual education and actions to address systemic oppressions and social inequities.

Coming Soon

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Interested in beginning your journey with us? Have questions?
Book a free 15-minute consultation session or reach out to us here!

Chiao Psychotherapy & Counselling Services

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